5th Annual Music Festival

We are happy to share our schedule for the 5th annual music festival. This 4 days festival will happen from Dec 23rd to Dec 26th 2023 at Lakshmi Giri Convention Hall, Mylapore, Chennai. We will be featuring several young, aspiring talents and renowned musicians, hosting 32 concerts in this festival.

The award ceremony will happen on Dec 23rd at 4pm. Congratulations to this year awardees!! GFA is proud to be confering the titles "ACHAARYA VISHAARADHA" on Vidwan. K.N. Shashikiran, an esteemed musician, a revered guru, an able organizer and Founder of Carnatica and "SANGEETHA SEVA VISHAARADHA" on Sri N. Balasubhramanian, Secretary of Brahma Gana Sabha. Please be sure to attend the award ceremony and every performance in the festival to support the artists.

We look forward to the support of our rasikas and friends. Please share the schedule and help to spread the word.